Transitus – Junior to Senior
Years 6 and 7 in Junior School provide children with the opportunity to prepare for Senior School and are known as Transitus 1 and 2.
At every stage, the educational experience at Lomond School far exceeds the norm; stretching children’s imaginations and encouraging them to think independently and creatively. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our Transitus years.
Transitus is specifically designed to ensure children gain the skills and experience which underpin a successful and confident start to their secondary education. Children are steadily encouraged to become more independent in their learning and organisation, as well as being introduced to a range of subject specialists and extra-curricular activities. This ensures that children make the very most of their upper primary years.
Transitus classes are located in the Senior School building and pupils still benefit from the familiarity of a dedicated Primary Teacher. Their teacher continues to provide ongoing pastoral support, as well as core Maths and English teaching and the co-ordination of project work. This provides a secure base for pupils as they begin to experience courses delivered by secondary specialists across the wider curriculum.
Pupils who complete our Transitus years move onto Senior 1 with ease, surrounded by people who know them well, excited about their journey ahead.
Book a Tour
Come and visit us and see how our upper primary years provide a solid foundation for secondary education.