We are thrilled to announce a record-breaking performance in this year’s exam results at Lomond School, with significant improvements at all certificate levels. A huge congratulations to all of our exam year pupils, we are incredibly proud of your hard work.
Despite challenging circumstances, the school has achieved its highest ever pass rate with both Higher level and Advanced Higher at 99% and National 5 at 98%.
Further new records have been achieved across the school with 75% A grades achieved at N5, and 93% of all Advanced Higher passes at either A or B grade.
Over 50% of S4 pupils are set to receive Silver Academic Colours for achieving six or more A grades at N5 level, with nearly a third of the year group gaining eight or more, and two pupils who excelled with an outstanding nine.
Almost two thirds of all S5 pupils achieved 5 or more Highers, with the pass rate and A-B passes increasing from last year. The number of A grade passes has held, and we will be awarding a high number of the much-coveted Gold Academic Colours to young people gaining four or more Higher awards at A grade.
Final year pupils performed exceptionally well, especially in the face of a very unusual end to their school career. Over half of all Advanced Highers were achieved at A grade, and A-B passes rose 14% from last year. The pass rate rose to 94% – its highest in nearly ten years, and almost a 10% increase on last year.
Ahead of lockdown, pupils worked evenings and weekends to finish practical coursework while they had access to the school, with our teachers preparing all they could with the foreseeable outcome that exams may be cancelled.
As a digital school, we took extensive precautions to be ready for lockdown with the full timetable adhered to throughout. A big thank you to our teachers who were available virtually for every lesson while promoting an independent learning culture.
Johanna Urquhart, Principal of Lomond School, said: “This is without a doubt one of the proudest days of my teaching career. Given the unprecedented challenges of the last few months, I am thrilled beyond words that our pupils have achieved so highly this academic year in the face of such adversity.
“I was confident, given the high quality of academic and pastoral support at Lomond that our pupils would achieve the results they so deserve, but these have been very uncertain times for us all.
“Looking forward to next session, there are undoubtedly more uncertain times looming ahead however we have been preparing for all eventualities. Our teachers have been trained to a high level in how to deliver effective blended learning and our pupils have already made excellent progress in their new certificate courses ahead of return to school next week.
“I am particularly delighted for our departing S6 pupils. They leave Lomond with some record-breaking results, but with so much more which cannot be measured in SQA terms, with confidence, life experience and a range of skills and qualities which will see them go on to be successful in whatever they choose to do.
“We are very much looking forward to reopening full time for all primary and secondary pupils next week as we kick start the next term in line with current Government guidance around social distancing and safety measures.”
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