by Justine Scullion | Feb 12, 2021 | Boarding, Lomond School
Last night, our boarders made a start on their Chinese New Year celebrations preparing a wonderful feast for the boarding house staff and pupils. With only a little bit of help from their house parents, our Chinese boarders worked together to present a stunning feast...
by Louise Mathis | Sep 16, 2020 | Alumni, Lomond School
Lomond FP, Laura Ironside, is set to launch her eponymous label at London Fashion Week as the event takes place across a range of physical and online events from 17 September. After graduating from Lomond School, Laura went on to study at the Duncan of Jordanstone...
by Justine Scullion | Aug 6, 2020 | Lomond School
We are thrilled to announce a record-breaking performance in this year’s exam results at Lomond School, with significant improvements at all certificate levels. A huge congratulations to all of our exam year pupils, we are incredibly proud of your hard work. Despite...
by Louise Mathis | Jul 14, 2020 | Alumni, Lomond School
A former pupil at Lomond School has been awarded a prestigious accolade for her time working with refugees in Greece, helping a widowed refugee from Kenya coordinate a charity launched from her kitchen. 19-year-old Kristina Von Kaehne from Lochgoilhead is meant to be...
by lomond-school | Jun 25, 2020 | Lomond School
We are delighted to announce that the 2019/2020 winning House is… Bergius! It has been some time since Bergius has clinched a win and we know that there’s been a huge amount of work carried out to achieve this victory. Well done to House Captain Alex J...
by Louise Mathis | Jun 9, 2020 | Lomond School
The last instalment for this academic year of our ‘Writer of the Week’ series is from Chris C. in S1. The Caravan Park….from Hell!! A Gothic Comedy by Chris C. “All done,” smiled Vladimir Apricotus, his white face beaming. He hit ‘send’ on the...