Boarders Celebrate Chinese New Year

Boarders Celebrate Chinese New Year

Last night, our boarders made a start on their Chinese New Year celebrations preparing a wonderful feast for the boarding house staff and pupils. With only a little bit of help from their house parents, our Chinese boarders worked together to present a stunning feast...
Record Breaking 2020 SQA Results

Record Breaking 2020 SQA Results

We are thrilled to announce a record-breaking performance in this year’s exam results at Lomond School, with significant improvements at all certificate levels. A huge congratulations to all of our exam year pupils, we are incredibly proud of your hard work. Despite...
Former Pupil crowned Diana Award Winner

Former Pupil crowned Diana Award Winner

A former pupil at Lomond School has been awarded a prestigious accolade for her time working with refugees in Greece, helping a widowed refugee from Kenya coordinate a charity launched from her kitchen. 19-year-old Kristina Von Kaehne from Lochgoilhead is meant to be...
Bergius House Win

Bergius House Win

We are delighted to announce that the 2019/2020 winning House is… Bergius!  It has been some time since Bergius has clinched a win and we know that there’s been a huge amount of work carried out to achieve this victory. Well done to House Captain Alex J...
Writing of the Week

Writing of the Week

The last instalment for this academic year of our ‘Writer of the Week’ series is from Chris C. in S1.   The Caravan Park….from Hell!!  A Gothic Comedy by Chris C. “All done,” smiled Vladimir Apricotus, his white face beaming. He hit ‘send’ on the...