As the study of the living world, Biology is an incredibly diverse and fascinating subject which offers opportunities to study all elements of the living world around us from cell structure, DNA and genomics to ecosystems and population.
Working with pupils from J1 all the way through to S6, the department offers pupils the chance to develop their skills through thoughtful experimentation and a variety of different techniques and approaches. Pupils can study towards National 4/5, Higher and Advanced Higher
Pupils are introduced to the science subjects from T1 onwards and are encouraged to develop an interest and enthusiasm for Biology as they progress through S1 and S2. Our aim as a department is to inspire pupils to develop an interest in Biology in order to appreciate and value where it fits into the world around them, and ultimately to use this knowledge to help create a better world.
Biology is offered at all examination levels from N5 to Advanced Higher and all courses promote scientific enquiry and investigative skills as well as developing the ability to manipulate numbers and carry out analysis of data.
Biology - National 5
At National 5 the course comprises three units:
- Cell Biology covering cell structure, DNA, proteins, genetic engineering, respiration
- Multicellular Organisms covering producing new cells, control and communication, reproduction, variation
- Life on Earth covering ecosystem, distribution of organisms, photosynthesis, evolution and food production
Pupils will learn about the basic processes which go on in living cells; the work of the circulatory, nervous and reproductive systems and the interactions between organisms and their environment.
Biology - IB
Studying the Diploma Programme (DP) Biology offers a deep understanding of the scale of life ranging from molecules and cells of organisms to ecosystems and the biosphere. As an experimental science, DP Biology requires not only a theoretical understanding of the subject, but also an awareness of how biologists construct knowledge claims and the limitations of these methods.
As the study of living organisms, biology is essential for explaining the complexities of life. This subject emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life forms and the balance within ecosystems. Among the sciences, biology is often referred to as the “science of life” because of its foundational role in understanding the natural world. It is therefore often a prerequisite for many other courses in higher education, such as medicine and healthcare, biological and life sciences, environmental sciences and ecology, agricultural and veterinary sciences, biomedical sciences, public health and epidemiology, and forensic science.
Nature of science
Nature of science is an overarching theme in the DP Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Sports, Exercise and Health Science (SEHS) courses which aims to cultivate critical thinking, enabling students to analyse, evaluate, and synthesise scientific information while appreciating the limitations and possibilities of science in addressing global challenges.
The biology curriculum is built on four broad organizing themes, each comprising two concepts, together with four levels of organization. The theme and level of organization show the conceptual lenses through which the topic can be viewed. Each node shows the topic content.
Practical work
Practical work is a central aspect of the DP Biology course allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject content and associated concepts. It provides opportunities to develop a wide range of practical and investigative skills and to collaborate with peers. It presents students with the opportunity to experience a wide range of tasks, from closed to open inquiry, and from hands-on experimentation through to the use of simulations and modelling, incorporating technology where appropriate. The practical approach to the course delivery culminates in the interdisciplinary collaborative sciences project, that addresses real-world problems that can be explored through the range of subjects in the sciences group, and the scientific investigation, an assessed independent research.
All courses are taught in a way which puts direct experiences at the centre of pupils learning. A wide range of practical activities are used to illustrate key ideas and concepts along with a wide range of activities from cooperative learning, group work, individual projects and investigation to fieldwork and field trips.
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