100% pass rate for our IBCP and HNC students

After achieving record-breaking IBDP results, we are thrilled to announce that our IBCP (International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme) and HNC (Higher National Certificate) students have also attained outstanding results.

For two years in a row, every IBCP and HNC student at Lomond School has attained a flawless 100% pass rate, surpassing the UK pass rates of 94.74% (IB) and 84.4% (HNC).

All students who completed the two-year HNC in Business programme at Lomond School have secured placements for varied courses such as Business Management, Finance, Investment & Risk, and Sport Business Management at top universities like the University of Strathclyde, University of Stirling and Glasgow Caledonian University. Some students have even received offers for direct entry into the second year of the course, highlighting the high regard universities hold for the HNC qualification.

Claire Chisholm, the Principal of Lomond School, expressed immense pride for all IBCP and HNC students, acknowledging their hard work and determination in this continuously assessed programme. She emphasised the joy felt across the school community for the students’ well-deserved achievements.

Claire said: “The students can now bask in the joy of their summer break, having secured spots in their desired courses and universities, with some even skipping the first year – a remarkable feat!

“The IBCP and HNC programmes have been popular choices at Lomond since their introduction in 2021. The school looks forward to continuing this success with the addition of HNC in Mechanical Engineering and NC in Activity Tourism from August.”

“Being a small, non-selective school, it’s wonderful to offer a variety of options to cater to the diverse student population at Lomond School. The curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire, with teachers who are passionate about fostering a love of learning. The sense of belonging at Lomond is palpable, creating an environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued. This supportive atmosphere not only enhances academic achievement but also fosters personal growth and lifelong friendships.”